Welcome to Entrepreneur Social Club

Entrepreneur Social Club at historic downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535

EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT, most always at venue NOVA 535
*  CHECK meeting LOCATION  *
6:00 pm:   EVENT BEGINS
Full Liquor Cash Bar, Meeting, Biz Dev, and Networking.
No fee nor need to register, show up at any time. 
8:30 pm:  DINNER TIME
Dinner and Drinks Downtown St. Pete at a different, delicious restaurant each week.


Every Thursday 6pm--8pm is the fun and productive Entrepreneur Social Club at historic venue NOVA 535 downtown St. Pete, Florida

Every Thursday Night since 2009!! The Entrepreneur Social Club (TM), affectionately called the ESC, is a collaborative group of seasoned professionals, start-ups, business owners, inventors, successful tycoons, students, mentors, and Entrepreneurs from every industry around the globe. Founded by Michael S. Novilla in 2009, author of It’s 5 AM Go Home, the Entrepreneur Social Club meets every Thursday 6pm-8pm, almost always at NOVA 535 Unique Event Space, here in beautiful Downtown St. Pete, Florida. We share our experiences, engage in business exercises, trade wants, and needs, learn, grow, and enjoy ourselves. We love connecting and helping the world’s Entrepreneurs, one fun productive meeting at a time, so join us! No need to register, just show up – business casual is perfect. Plan on joining us for dinner, immediately after our meeting concludes. Just leave your religion and politics at home.

Michael Scott Novilla book It's 5 AM Go Home

535 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

What happens during the meetings? Each week is unique within certain parameters. Sometimes we review business cards, most times we offer a quick “wants and needs” section. Every meeting each person gives their 30-second pitch, which we also review.  The Entrepreneur Social Club is for people who want to have a great fun social experience AND to learn, grow, and improve themselves and their businesses. We laugh, we drink, we avoid religion and politics (both are forbidden by group rules) and we spend time helping each other, then we share dinner together, and dig deeper into business and creative discussions. Swing by and find out why, since 2009, the ESC is Tampa Bay’s favorite business networking social club.

Dinner time after the Entrepreneur Social Club Thursday Nights at historic downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535

Entrepreneur Social Club (TM) founded January 2009